Dark Wood Flooring

Dark wood floors are atmospheric and often rich and beautiful in colour. With black being a timeless tone, these floors are appropriate for both the restoration of period properties and bringing personality to modern-day projects.

Dark woods are often achieved through a variety of specialist treatments, such as deep and double fuming. The tones produced are rich and indulgent. To understand the true personality of the floors in this collection, we recommend visiting your nearest Design Centre or Retailer to see them on a much larger scale.


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What is Dark Wood Flooring?

Dark wood flooring covers a broad range of possibilities, including rare wood species and even antique and reclaimed real wood floors.

They can also be light toned woods such as oak or ash that have been treated to transform them to a much darker shade. Our double fumed wood floors are the darkest wood floors we produce that can still be called dark and not black. Espresso for example, is a strong and indulgent floor.

By double fuming – which takes at least three months in a controller environment – we ensure the core is treated too, meaning that all of the wood has been transformed, not just the surface. This is important when you re-sand the floor as you will keep the dark tone for decades to come. These woods also retain warmth through the process, making them a great choice for spaces that want a sense of intimacy.

Another effective way to turn wood darker is through heat treatment. This is a complex process that involves carefully cooking the wood. As with fuming you can create a variety of tones from this treatment, adding versatility.

Dark tropical woods are growing increasingly rare as strict environmental laws have gladly slowed the flow of these dark hardwoods into Europe. There are some really interesting woods that are farmed sustainably, and these include the enticing Morado and Tajibo.

We source these woods in strict adherence to our FSC certification and we use their Chain of Custody system to track the wood from forest to the project it is installed in. assuring that your project is a kind to our planet as possible.

The most interesting group of dark wood floors however, are the ones that arrive from old buildings. These are woods that are only dark for one reason – they are very old, having history washed over them throughout the years. Most hardwoods oxidize darker over time as a deep-toned skin builds on the outside of the wood. The older the wood, the darker it goes.

One final thing to consider is that dark wood floors suit slightly higher sheen levels, satin or even semi-gloss finishes bring out the very best in this intense, rich colour. Our Burnished Hardwax Oil (for example) has lovely sheen on the surface. Matt black wood floors, such as Zircon from our Carbonised collection, are available too and are an inspired modern design choice.

What are the best rooms to install Dark Wood Floors?

As mentioned, dark wood floors are versatile in their application, feeling perfectly in place within a classic building, or making a strong design statement in a contemporary, newer project.

Consider the texture and edge detail when selecting the correct dark wood floor for your design.

Micro bevel edges and lightly brushed textures pair perfectly with modern designs whilst hand rolled edges and undulating textures are much more organic and rustic in appearance.

Dark wood floors can also be used as wall cladding, often to create a feature wall or to align a space with a strong brand identity. We even recommend combining black tones with more medium and light colours to make a one-of-a-kind design.

What are the benefits of Dark Wood Flooring over lighter options?

Dark wood flooring and wall cladding makes a strong design statement in any project. The colours are bolder than lighter alternatives, being particularly effective in modern designs. Especially with fumed flooring, you will find that the colours are much richer and enduring than in other colours, or manmade flooring alternatives.

Satin looks are often much more attractive in black floors than lighter options. The sheen produced helps with the modern and indulgent look.

Black flooring can also be associated with a luxury look. Being deeper in tone, these floor create a sense of indulgent and drama that is only for the select few projects.

A final benefit would be that the dark colours often mature to a heavily rich patina, which meaning you won’t have to worry about the nature wear and tear that tales place throughout he years as it will only add to the surface appearance of the floor.

What are the difference between Dark Real Wood compared with vinyl flooring?

Dark wood floors have big benefits over their manmade alternatives.

All work hard to replicate wood’s natural look but nothing compares to real wood flooring.

Vinyl or LVT struggle when compared to real wood.

Wood has a huge advantage of manmade floor in that it is fully sustainable. These woods can be used for a lifetime due to their exceptional stability and each has been sourced from sustainable forests, or reclaimed sites with full chain of custody certificates. Even when the wood finishes its life within your projects, it can be fully recycled, reducing environmental impact.

Contrary to the claims of being easy to care for, it is still prone to scratching and unfortunately you cannot restore this floor; once the damage appears, you must simply live with it, or replace it. Solid and engineered wood flooring on the other hand can be restored many times over and this why it is a ‘buy once’ investment that can easily last a lifetime with the correct care. For more information on caring for your wood flooring, visit our Advice Hub.

How do you clean and maintain Dark Wood Floors?

Following professional installation, caring for your dark floor is easy, simply check the specification sheet of your floor, and use either Care System 1, or Care System 2 every few weeks, depending on the given advice. View the specification sheet in your chosen floor’s product page for full details.

Get started with Ted Todd

No matter the wood flooring you are looking for, the best place to start is by ordering a free sample of your three favourites. Simply put them in your basket, fill out your details and we will ship them directly to your door.

We also always recommend visiting our Design Centres or your local retail partner in order to experience these dark wood floors up close. This will give you a much better understanding of the personality of your floor, and highlight the subtle variations throughout the wood.